About the museum

Today we will talk not only about the museum as such, but also about the magical people with whom fate brings us together and who leave a strong impression. The tour lasted just over an hour, but the son still remembers with warmth both the exposition of the museum and the fairy, who managed to reveal mathematics from the other side in this short time. “This is how teachers should be at school!” — the first thing the son said, leaving the territory of the museum.

The museum is a member of the Union of Private Museums of Russia. Part of the museum is open-air and part is indoors. The exposition is unique! Not only in terms of the rarity and quantity of exhibits. All this is nothing without a tour, which is really impressive.

We plunged into mathematics in an hour and learned how and where to see fractals, tetrahedra in nature, what features of pine spirals and how to see the Fibonacci number in sunflowers and the proportions of our body, what is a logarithmic spiral, how to collect clusters of bubbles, how hexagons are formed in nature, what is the Phi number and what does it have to do with our DNA, about pentagrams in plant inflorescences and a lot of other insanely interesting things with live examples.

Yes, they are simply obliged to bring all high school students from the district cities on an excursion here! The keeper of this unique collection and guide is a mathematics teacher in a regular school in the village of Tulsky. Can you imagine what such a teacher can convey to children in the direct teaching of children in the classroom, if we were struck in an hour!

When we returned home after the museum, Yarik grabbed a hammer and rushed to the banks of the Dakh River to look for ammonites. I even found a piece. So contagious.

I advise from the bottom of my heart! I took not only photos, but also a lot of video material, after editing I will definitely post it on our Zen, take a walk around the museum with us.

Admission is free, but visits are by appointment.

Tulsky village (Maikop), st. Ring, 1

44.498569, 40.167522

Video footage from this museum and other places around the village of Tulskoye:

Read and watch also in our Zen:

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