Address: St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 1
Opening hours: 11-00 — 19-00,
Day off — Tuesday.
Tickets for adults 400 rubles, children under 18 years old — 200 rubles.
My son and I walked along Universitetskaya embankment and visited various museums at universities, which were available right away, without pre-registration. One such place was the Zoological Museum. To say that we were amazed by the vastness of the exposition is to say nothing. She’s very huge.
I can imagine what it took to collect such a collection of different types of animals, insects, fish, mollusks, birds, mammals and other living organisms, many of which we have not heard of. How often we in the museum uttered the phrase with Yarik: “So that’s what you are …” (reindeer))). We know how the animal should look like, we understand, but we cannot always imagine the dimensions correctly. As we understood, that in many respects they were mistaken with the sizes .
So, we got into the museum simply by buying a ticket at the box office. We looked at several reference stands and went to see the exposition, the scale of which was revealed to us gradually.
It’s all about the interesting shape of the building and halls of the museum, the further you get to the museum, the more extensive the exposition.
Some information about the museum:
Founded in 1832 from the zoological exposition of the Kunstkamera.
But the Kunstkamera was founded back in 1714, because the collection for this museum began to be collected at that time. Some exhibits have been preserved from that time to this day.
Number of exhibits — more than 30,000
The area occupied by the exposition is 6000 sq. m.
First of all, getting into the museum, we see a hall with a huge 27-meter whale skeleton, as well as various species of cetaceans and pinnipeds.
We study different types of cats, dogs, domestic and wild birds and pigeons.
A little visual theory and history of the formation of Homo sapiens, the formation of the human embryo and other cognitive data.
And then begins almost endless halls with smoothly passing animal species. Each species is signed by types, classes and subspecies, habitat and other data …
Sea dwellers first
Then amphibians:
Then the inhabitants of the land:
At the very end, we went up to the second floor and examined a very extensive collection of insects.
From the second floor there is simply a magnificent view of the same blue whale skeleton.
We spent over three hours at the museum. We are very pleased with what we saw, the scale is amazing. Learned a lot of new things. I advise everyone to visit this museum.
You can watch a video from this museum as part of the video:
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