My favorite athlete, my amazing husband Misha, formerly a pentathlete, is now immersed in the amazing world of triathlon. This is one of the first real triathlon competitions where Misha participated, the city of Sochi, November 2020. Strong rivals, a large number of participants, a great venue, the most excellent organization at the proper level . The sportsmen and the fans enjoyed it too.
Time has flown really fast, but Misha understood a lot for himself and preparation for the future «IRON MAN» (the best triathlon competition with a global brand) is now going on at a different level and with a full understanding of the nuances.
For information about triathlon:
Athletes swim in open water (across the sea, bay, strait …) or in the pool when the distance is small, like this time, then they jump out of the reservoir right as they are, just put on sneakers and a bicycle helmet, get on the bike and ride the prescribed distance, then put the bike on and run for a certain distance. And all this without stopping .
This time:
Sailing 300 meters
Bicycle 10 km
Running 2 km
Misha’s result is 36 minutes for that. The result is not the strongest, but I’m insanely proud of it. It’s all a matter of technique and time, our strongest results are yet to come !
The more I watch the training and successes of my Mikhail, the more I see how much this sport makes him not only stronger and more resilient, but also definitely healthier and happier. There comes an understanding that some sports have absolutely no age restrictions. On the contrary, there is an incentive to go in for sports at any time and at any age.
PS Well, how does he swim, it’s just a dance …
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